Featured Products
ProCut® White Nite
Product Information
ProCut® White Nite is truly unique in the sunflower world. Amazing flowers that open with a creamy vanilla color, quickly turning white in a few days of sunlight, nicely contrasted with a dark center and borne on a single stem with the same great qualities of all our ProCut ® series. Let your imagination run wild now all year long. We have used ProCut®White Nite in spring bouquets, for Easter, at weddings, and have even dyed them red and blue to make a stunning July 4th vase. It will be fun to see all the new uses of white sunflower.
Petal Color : White
Face Color : Dark
Pollen : No
Stem Type : Single
Maturity : Medium
Height : 4ft (120cm) to 6ft(180cm)
Uses : ProCut, Bouquet
1000 Seed Weight : 50 grams
Ideas to try : Great for spring bouquets; try dyeing it!