Featured Products
ProCut® Orange DMR
Product Information
Do you have sunflower downy mildew problems in your planting area? We fortified our popular ProCut Orange against sunflower downy mildew. ProCut® Orange DMR is a breeding breakthrough in ornamental sunflowers that has tested resistant to the prevalent races of downy mildew in major sunflower growing areas of the world! We believe that ProCut® Orange DMR is the best choice available against sunflower downy mildew. ProCut® Orange DMR has the same familiar orange petals, a dark center, and is pollenless on a single stem plant. In most cases the resistance in ProCut® Orange DMR will solve your downy mildew problems. Give it a try!
Petal Color : Orange
Face Color : Dark
Pollen : No
Stem Type : Single
Maturity : Early
Height : 4ft (120cm) to 6ft (180cm)
1000 Seed Weight : 45 grams
Uses : ProCut, Bouquet
Ideas to try : A good choice if you have had Downy Mildew problems in the past!