Featured Products
ProCut® Orange
Product Information
ProCut® Orange is the sunflower that you see in the background on TV talk shows, or on the kitchen table in magazine ads. Perfectly shaped overlapping orange petals that surround a pollenless dark brown center disc define the beauty of ProCut ®Orange. Cornell University researchers have rated ProCut® Orange as a true day-neutral cultivar that flowers quickly at all latitudes, and we concur. ProCut® Orange is the first choice of professional and hobby growers everywhere who are looking for that traditional sunflower appearance.
Petal Color : Orange
Face Color : Dark
Pollen : No
Stem Type : Single
Maturity : Early
Height : 4ft (120cm) to 6ft (180cm)
1000 Seed Weight : 75 grams
Uses : ProCut, Bouquet
Ideas to try : Vary your plant density to change the flower size