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ProCut® Horizon – Upright Flowers!
Product Information
ProCut® Horizon is aptly named with perfect upward-facing blooms opening with rich overlapping orange petals surrounding a traditional dark disk. These flowers really stand out! ProCut® Horizon is a cut flower grower’s dream hybrid with consistently high usable stem yields providing showy bunches in the market place and stunning bouquets. Like ProCut®Orange Excel, ProCut® Horizon with its upright pollen-free flowers is day length neutral in its flowering producing plants with strong stems at each planting. Once you grow ProCut®Horizon you will want to grow it every year.
Petal Color : Orange
Face Color : Dark
Pollen : No
Stem Type : Single
Maturity : Early
Height : 4ft (120cm) to 6ft (180cm)
1000 Seed Weight : 60 grams
Uses : ProCut, Bouquet
Ideas to try : Vary your plant density to change the flower size