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ProCut® Brilliance
Product Information
ProCut® Brilliance dazzled us the first time we saw its flower. This single head pollenless sunflower is perfect for cutting. Its petals are a unique combination of yellow on the outside that intensifies to orange near the dark center of the head. The result is a brilliant explosion of color that grabs your eye. If you like our ProCut® Gold and Procut® Orange, you must try ProCut® Brilliance to have a perfect bouquet. Orange and yellow hues on the same petal – a real dazzler – ProCut® Brilliance.
Petal Color : Yellow
Face Color : Dark
Pollen : No
Stem Type : Single
Maturity : Medium
Height : 4ft (120cm) to 6ft(180cm)
Uses : ProCut, Bouquet
1000 Seed Weight : 75 grams
Ideas to try : Combines yellow and orange on the same petals for a great