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Junior is a miniature sunflower ideally suited for pots or as a front row flower in the garden. This sunflower rarely gets over knee high. Grow three plants in an 8 inch pot for a profusion of yellow sunflower color on these branching plants. Since its flowers are pollenless Junior is ideal for the coffee or dining table. We like Junior as a plug plant. Plugs can be lifted from six-pack tray just 5 weeks after sowing. Line them up along your sidewalk anytime from early spring to late summer. They flower fast and easy. Flowers are yellow with brown centers.
Petal Color : Yellow
Face Color : Dark
Pollen : No
Stem Type : Branching
Maturity : Early
Height : 1ft (30cm) to 2ft (60cm)
1000 Seed Weight : 30 grams
Uses : Pots, Bedding, Hedges
Ideas to try : Great in pots or set out as 5 week old transplants