Featured Products
Gypsy Charmer – Triple Color Explosion
Product Information
Gypsy Charmer explodes with vivid colors in the garden. Three vibrant colors, lemon, red, and yellow, are fused into pollenless flowers born on branching plants. Gypsy Charmer flowers early, and pushes out a continuous stream of branches with pollenless flowers over many weeks. It’s great for small mixed bouquets or simply as a colorful accent in your garden. This variety will be a mainstay in your plantings every year!
Petal Color : Tricolor yellow, red, lemon
Face Color : Dark
Pollen : No
Stem Type : Branching
Maturity : Early 45 to 50 days
Height : 4 ft (120cm) to 6ft (150cm)
1000 Seed Weight : 40 grams
Uses : Unique Color, Bouquet
Ideas to try : Prolific branching plant with novel combination of colors!