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Double Petal

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Baby Bear
Baby Bear
A long time ago somebody named a double petal sunflower “Teddy Bear.” Well, we found a new and better sunflower named “Baby Bear.” Baby Bear is a compact branching plant […]
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Joker was named after the Harlequin Joker clowns of the late 1800s in Italian Theatre tradition. The Joker was almost always dressed in a costume with one side one color, […]
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Starburst™ Lemon Éclair- Now Available!
Starburst™ Lemon Éclair- Now Available!
Surround a rich chocolate center with bursting lemon color petals to create Starburst ™ Lemon Éclair sunflower. It is easily one of the first sunflowers ready to cut. Narrow plantings encourage […]
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Starburst™ Panache- Now Available
Starburst™ Panache- Now Available
Starburst™ Panache produces very intense orange flowers with semi-double petals. It is loaded with flowers due to its branching habit. Flower centers are dark compared to the lack of center […]
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Starburst™Greenburst DMR – NOW AVAILABLE
Starburst™Greenburst DMR – NOW AVAILABLE
Now in a new DMR version. If you have ever grown Starburst™ Panache, you will know this flower type. Starburst™ Greenburst DMR has a yellow golden semi-double flower bursting around […]
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Sundance Kid
Sundance Kid
Sundance Kid is one of the first dwarf, very early flowering, semi-double petal, yellow and red bicolor types that was developed in our breeding program years ago. We are proud […]
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