Validated Daily: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
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International Orders – Contact By Email

CANADA: We welcome orders from Canada.  You can order directly now on the website.    For small orders we use a  padded flat rate Priority Mail envelope costing USD$24.  Larger orders still under 5kg total weight are shipped in a USD$50.00  flat rate Priority Mail box . Go ahead and order your seeds. If we determine at checkout that your order exceeds 5 kg  you will be asked to contact us to arrange required government documents.  At that point,  just email us from  CONTACT US with the names of the varieties, the number of seeds you want of each variety, and  your address,  and we will let you know the total cost and arrange payment with either a  credit card or  by wire transfer.

OTHER COUNTRIES: welcomes the opportunity to supply our seeds to interested customers in all countries except India and Australia which because of quarantine laws do not allow shipments of sunflower seeds. Please contact us via email to inquire about ordering your seeds from outside of the United States. Bear in mind that international orders incur additional shipping and documents costs that might actually exceed the value of of the seed order itself. Please provide your city, country and mail code so that we can estimate freight charges to you.

Buyers should be aware that international shipments require additional documentation in this age of heightened security. Documentation and international shipping can be costly. Please consider the following information to determine whether you want to order seeds to be shipped to you from the United States. Seeds, documents, and freight charges must be prepaid by wire transfer, credit card, or Paypal. We will provide you with details.

DOCUMENTS CHARGE: USD$75.00 All international shipments except Canada regardless of value and quantity must be accompanied by an official phytosanitary certificate which we must obtain in your name with your address based on the exact quantity of your order. Countries require such certificates to insure that seeds do not carry invasive pests or pathogens. We can obtain phytosanitary certificates for most countries because our seeds are grown and inspected. Many countries such as South Africa, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, and Ecuador, for example, also require that the Buyer obtain an import permit before we can obtain a phytosanitary certificate. Shipment Export Declaration forms must also be filed by us to the United States Government for all foreign orders exceeding US$2,500.00 in value, except to Canada which is exempt due to the North American Free Trade Agreement. Government agencies charge us for these documents. provides these documents to you at our cost.

SHIPPING AND FREIGHT:  All shipments must be to a physical address, NOT a post office box number. Please be prepared to provide us with your telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address, along with your actual physical address with city, country and mail code so we can determine final destination of the shipment. We can ship using your Fedex or UPS account number if you desire.

We can also work with you to determine the cost of freight and shipping.  All shipments costs must be prepaid. Please note that the minimum freight cost possible between continents starts at USD$25.00 for letter size packages. Therefore, documents charge plus minimum shipping charge would incur a minimum USD$100.00 charge plus the actual invoice value of the seeds for the smallest size order. For example, this means that a $15.00 seed value order will cost you a minimum of $15.00 seeds + $100.00 documents and shipping = $115.00 Total Cost to delivery to you outside of North America. Likewise, a $90.00 seed order  that still fits in a letter size envelope will cost you $90.00 seeds + $100.00 documents and shipping = $190.00  Total Cost. As your order gets larger with more weight the cost of the shipping will increase, but the documents charge does not.

Shipping and documents charges to countries other than Canada vary by the size and weight of your order. Estimated shipping and documents charges based on our experience are as follows:

Seed Value Approximate Shipping and Documents
$15.00 – $100.00 $115.00
$100.00 – $1000.00 $190.00
$1000.00 – $2000.00 $200.00
$2000.00 – $10,000 $300.00

Please note that has no control over freight costs. We strive to ship in the most expedient and economically prudent manner which allows tracking services to assure that your seed arrives.




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