Featured Products
Orange Hobbit
Product Information
This little guy is loaded with intensely orange sunflowers on a dwarf, compact, highly branched plant that explodes with color in your pot or garden bed. It is ideal for lining a sidewalk or filling the flower bed. Five week old plugs can easily be transplanted for early spring flowering. We like to use it as a knee-high hedge in our show grounds. You can even cut flowers from Orange Hobbit to make small bouquets for the house. Try mixing it with Baby Bear and Firecracker for a unique blend of color on dwarf plants!
Petal Color : Orange
Face Color : Dark
Pollen : No
Stem Type : Branching
Maturity : Early
Height : 1ft (30cm) to 2ft ( 60cm)
1000 Seed Weight : 35 grams
Ideas to try : Just loaded with flowers, give it space to make a nice bush
Flower Type : Orange Sunflower