Featured Products
Terracotta – Now Available
Product Information
These flowers look like something you find in Old Europe – maybe Provence. They are not orange, nor are they red. Terracotta is a special sunflower color that matches the old bricks in the wall or that terracotta pot sitting out in the garden. It is a perfect clay color for fall flower displays. Terracotta’s stems are strong and the flowers are erect with good vase life. Terracotta is a perfect complement to any of our bicolor sunflower varieties like Joker or ProCut Bicolor.
Petal Color : Rust
Face Color : Dark
Pollen : No
Stem : Branching
Maturity : Medium
Height : 4ft (120cm) to 6ft (150cm)
1000 Seed Weight : 45 grams
Uses : Unique Color, Bouquet
Ideas to try : Distinctive color for fall bouquets!