Featured Products
Peach Passion
Product Information
Peach Passion is a branching long flowering pastel color addition to our garden line-up. It flowers early and keeps pushing out flowers well into the summer. The double layered peach petals surround a delicate light-colored center. Peach Passion grows about waist tall. Give it some space and it gets colorfully bushy. A lot of our customers use Peach Passion in small bouquets. We think it mixes well with Jade and Apricot Daisy to make a wonderful spring-like small bouquet. Of course, like all of our sunflowers, it is pollenless.
Petal Color : Peach
Face Color : Lite
Pollen : No
Stem Type : Branching
Maturity : Medium
Height : 3ft (90cm to 4 ft (120cm)
1000 Seed Weight : 40 grams
Uses : Unique Color, Bouquet
Ideas to try : Distinctive pastel petal color with light disk